The article reviews essential Docker CLI commands and illustrates them with real-world examples, including commands related to the Docker system information, file system, containers, and images.
Briefly About Docker
Docker is a free and open-source framework for packaging an application or database into a lightweight, portable container. It simplifies the process of installing an application on a server. And equally, to the same degree, it simplifies the process of installing a mobile app on a tablet or smartphone.
You can edit the Docker CLI configuration file, which is stored in the folder ~/.docker/
To examine the provided examples, ensure you have Docker Desktop on your computer. Otherwise, for installation instructions, please refer to the link.
Essential Docker CLI Commands
Informational Commands
To see a list of available commands, execute either the command docker without parameters or docker help:
docker --help
To get help on a particular command (e.g., on the command ps
docker ps --help
Display Docker’s system information:
docker info
Use the command version
to get installed Docker version:
docker version
Get a list of running containers:
docker ps

To show all the containers, execute the following command:
docker ps -a
Or you can get the same list, but with only the specified columns:
docker ps --format='table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}'

To get list of the images on Docker, run the following command:
docker image ls
File System Commands
To take a snapshot (image) from existing container run the command commit
docker commit 77bf33c5d015 mysqlsnapshot
where 77bf33c5d015 is ID of the MySQL container.
After that, you can enter the container’s file system and explore it:
docker run -t -i mysqlsnapshot /bin/bash

To copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem, use the cp
In order to copy a specified file from the container to a local folder (container ID= 77bf33c5d015):
docker cp 77bf33c5d015:/var/log/mysqld.log C:\User_Projects\mysqld.log
And also to copy a local file to the container:
docker cp C:\User_Projects\mysqld2.log 77bf33c5d015:/var/log/mysqld2.log
To be sure if the file has been copied, select the appropriate folder in Visual Studio Code and check the files contained in it:

Finally, after inspecting the container’s file system, you can remove the created snapshot:
docker rmi mysqlsnapshot
Container and Image Commands
Run a container using a predefined image pulled from Docker’s repository with bundled ports:
docker pull
docker run -p 9010:9010 -p 9020:9020
Run one-time PHP Container with Script
docker run --rm -v "$pwd":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp php:7.1-cli php script.php
- –rm – remove container after finish
- -v – volume list (in this example: “$pwd”:/usr/src/myapp) (for the volume details, follow the link)
- -w – working directory (in this example: /usr/src/myapp)
To get a list of built images that we have on the PC, execute the following command:
docker images

Run a container of the image provided, and if the image does not exist locally, it will be pulled:
docker run hello-world
Execute a command against a running container with both flags remaining interactive (flag: -i)
and opening a terminal (flag: -t)
docker exec -it pg_container bash
Archive container in the local file:
docker container export 8ef902c1ef23 > postgresql_container.tar
To import archived image, run the command load
docker load < postgresql_container.tar
Stop a running container:
docker stop pg_container
The container still exist in inactive mode. You can execute it again or remove.
Remove the container from Docker (be aware that you can lose all the created data):
docker rm pg_container
Name non-named image:
docker tag 577410342f45 postgres_57
Remove a image from Docker (577410342f45 is image ID):
docker rmi 577410342f45
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